A quick look at the map and it was decided that Revelstoke Lake, just north of the town of the same name would be a likely spot to spend some quality time.
The weather was a mixed bag on the way over, but I was confident that it was improving all the time. I had not been up the drive to the summit of Mt Revelstoke for years, so I took this opportunity to do so, as there was still enough hours of daylight.

I took a couple photos on the way down before heading out to find a camp spot along the lake.
I had pre-scanned the whole area on Google Earth, so it was very convenient to check my location to see what was in the area, and where each road or trail went. Each new area discovered was photographed and documented for future use and enjoyment.
Revelstoke Lake is a reservoir about 150 km long, formed behind the Revelstoke dam, just north of town.

It wasn't quite perfect. We had moved into the Revelstoke Lake area the day before, and found a nice quiet campsite right at water's edge. For mid-September, the weather was fabulous; warm, sunny, and calm.
We had spent the day looking for the perfect campsite and recording details on Google Earth for future reference. Carnes Creek provincial Rec area was beautiful, and had most of the attributes of a perfect camp.
But the site we had chosen, with the lake view to die for - didn't have any firewood :(

Last year, we had done our first tour of the area, and the gps held some locations worth checking out, so off we went; in search of firewood, and perfection.
The plan basically invovled checking out every side road and trail that led down towards the lake.
Finally, a small trail led onto a section of the old highway, abandonded when flooding of the reservoir raised the lake level and inundated major sections of the old road.

This trail opened up in both directions, and a short hike to the north found one campsite occupied.
But to the south was perhaps an old abandoned log landing that just about had it all;

A good southern exposure ensured that the satellite dish would work if so desired. I quickly strung up a long line of cord across the area so Harley's leash and carabiner could provide him with the best possible mobility, and pulled the honda generator out in case power was required later. We were now getting close to perfection!

A raven flew by patrolling the shoreline. Across the lake several glaciers beckoned, and the sound of the tumbling cascade from one could be heard in the stillness. The fire crackled as the sun dipped behind the distant mountains - and the hot dogs sure tasted good.

Morning! The forecast was correct, and the morning brought the predicted sunshine. I waited to step outside with my coffee till the sun just peeked over the mountain and began to warm the hills. It was calm; the lake fog hanging low, obscuring most of the far shore and the glaciers. Overnight, a few leaves had prepared themselves for the inevitability of the season, and, at the slightest breeze jumped from their tree limbs to find a winter home on the ground. The remaining leaves were like me, in denial, and remained steadfastly green. Harley came out for his morning stroll and sunshine, making a safety patrol to make sure the chipmunk was still following all predator safety protocols.
Just as the mists parted to reveal the glacier bathed in the morning sunshine, a lone bald eagle flew up the shore, wondering where his breakfast was. Only the sound of the lake ripples slapping against a driftwood log broke the silence. Time to dig out the solar panel and soak up some of these warm rays to be stored in the battery, so the furnace can keep us warm again tonight - not to mention charging up the laptop battery!

Till next time.