Before the snow gets too deep in the high country, the horses we use for patrolling the park must be taken to their winter pasture and turned out.

I didn't get to go along on the last ride this year, but I did meet them at their destination and assisted pulling the horse shoes off for the winter.

Here's a quaint sign on the road to the ranch.

Later, on another day, I found the time to patrol some old sections of fire road - with a few less horse power.

I didn't get any photos of the helicopter this time, but I did have to make a short flight into this backcountry lake.

A bunch of old signs and garbage had been collected, but weather had prevented it's removal on a previous attempt.

So the pilot dropped me off here and hooked on his long line while I ran up the trail and secured the cargo. He then flew it to a road accessible location, then came back for me.

Meanwhile, back at the ranch, the horses were off down the trail, not to be put to work again till May of next year. Giddy Up!

But we will be saving as much time as possible, and there will for sure be some time in California and Arizona at the very least. My new truck wants to use Ultra Low Sulphur diesel, so until Mexico has that available, we will not be able to go there. Till next update.