Back at work for a few days, and the bears are keeping everyone on their toes because lot of them are down in the valley bottoms and roadside trying to get fat for the winter.
A few years ago we had a float plane go down in the park, suffering from a blown engine. The pilot made a remarkable landing on the gravel flats with the floats, and walked away from it. Just a couple days ago, another plane was reported down, and we went in and picked up the pilot, who was fortunate to be unhurt as well. (Plane id's removed to protect privacy) At least it was a beautiful day for a plane crash. We had the lat long's of the downed plane, so finding it was easy - especially with the Google Earth map I printed out to take along as reference.
Today, in an unrelated test project, I have been monitoring a colleague's field locations all day via the internet. The gps-enabled transmitter sends it's locations to satellite at regular intervals, and that location can be monitored online and mapped using Google Earth or Google Maps or Ozi Explorer. Pretty cool technology!
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