Hard to believe that two weeks have passed by since the last entries!
This time there are some new pics of things at work, around home, and an exciting development in my camping/RV department.
Because of the almost 'coastal' continuous rain, and other complications, I have only managed to make it out to the Sundre homestead twice this year. Of course, I was on the road down south till the middle of April this year.

But the grass was starting to get out of control, so I had to make an attempt at cutting it. Much of the mowing was done during, or between the frequent showers that kept passing through.
And, my sister had come up with a whole bunch of trees just begging to be planted around the house and yard.

So, with only a couple days to spend, I was pretty busy trying to get it all done before I had to go back to work.

Harley was along for the ride of course - his first ride in the new truck. He seemed to approve of it, though he did not even try out the heated seats!
He was glad to get out in the grass, and managed to catch some mice when he wasn't following me around the yard.

So, I took some shots of the bare posts before the wire is strung up, because from now on it change the whole scene along the roads. It is hoped that it will reduce the number of animals that get killed by vehicles on the road, but that it does not reduce their mobility, and cut off travel routes that they and their predecessors have used for centuries.

I used the following logic: What use is a 'line of credit' if it is not used, I ask you.
So only two weeks after buying a brand new truck, and the same day that I got the camper attachments welded onto it in Calgary, I went over to one of the numerous RV dealers and clinched a pretty dang good deal on - a brand new 5th wheel trailer!
Of course, that meant a new hitch had to be installed and added to the debts rapidly accumulating. So far, I have just picked it up in Calgary and brought it home to a driveway location. But I was very pleased how easy it was to tow with the new truck. I think it will take some practice to get 'backing up' perfected.

The truck camper is still by far the best option for most of my travel. It can be driven around in towns, parallel parked, taken down rugged logging roads, and end up in lots of great camp spots the 5th wheel will never see. But the 'fiver' will excel at longer-term stays with a lot more space and a few more conveniences.