We got a call the other day from an ambulance service at the scene of a wreck just outside the park boundary. Apparently a four-wheel quad had gone off the edge of a logging road, and the driver was lying injured at the bottom. Some of us responded by road, and our helicopter also was dispatched.

The patient was lifted out of the ravine by the rope under the helicopter and delivered to the waiting ambulance. To avoid the long, rough ride in the ambulance when spinal injuries were suspected, it was decided to put the patient and stretcher inside the helicopter and fly directly to the hospital.

So with a little experimentation, and a steady hand , you can take a photo like the one below using a standard digital camera - held up to the eyepiece of a spotting scope. These bears are feeding happily in an area that was formerly a trailer court and has now been rehabbed. People are able to watch safely (?) from behind an electrified fence .

A rub-tree used by grizzly bears to have a good scratch - and mark their territory.


And a Hoary Marmot surveying his domain and catching some rays from the top of a big boulder on roadside.

On the camper front, I got new camper tie-down attachments welded onto the new truck, so it should be ready for a test of the camper - if the weather ever smartens up.
I also wired in the new camper plug on the truck to supply power to the camper, so that will need a road test soon.
There are some other big changes on the camping horizon soon, so - stay tuned!
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