We followed some very quiet secondary roads, not far from the US border.
This is an area where all the locals wave at you - whether they know you or not!
Some, err, most all of the land was a bit on the flat side!

Some of the areas near rivers had a lot of irrigation evident, with various types of sprinklers doing duty in the fields.

I think the big teepee was near Medicine Hat, along the highway.

We stopped at a cemetery pretty much in the middle of nowhere. It was the Pendant D'Oreille cemetary, with a large area and relatively few graves marked. A large stone listed pioneers in the area.

I found the following reference to it in another blog of the 'Midwesterner'
from Milk River, Alberta, we'd come past two cemeteries set out on the prairie. Still within sight of the Sweetgrass Mountains, we had stopped at the Pendant D'Oreille Cemetery where a large marker read: "In memory of the pioneers who settled this area and found their last resting place on the plains of Pendant D'Oreille." There were twenty-six names carved into the monument, twenty-six lives. The earliest: 1848-1917. The latest: 1902-1982.

For information on the Saskatchewan side click here!

the highest point in Canada between the Rocky Mountains & Labrador (maximum elevation - 1466 metres above sea level); the Cypress Hills are unique in that they were not glaciated during the last ice age; the park's montane environment is an oasis of mixed & lodgepole pine forests in the midst of the Canadian prairies; the park features a wealth of plant & animal life, including 14 orchid species.
That said, there is a LOT more relief to the terrain here in the park, than what we had been driving through.

All this meant it was a late arrival back home in the mountains. Yet another couple Parks to tick off the list!
Back at home, I struck up conversation with an RV'er in Lake Louise, who turned out to be a full timer, originally from Florida where he 'graduated' from work about 5 years ago. When I told him that we had just been to Writing-on-Stone, he told me that he had just done so as well - and blogged about it to boot.
You can check out his blog - and report on WoS at Roving Reports by Doug P
You can also read about his travels through the areas I call home!
Dang it. Back to work for a few days!
It could be worse though.