The building and early travel on the Alaska Highway was apparently not for the faint of heart.
At historic Mile marker 148 was
Suicide Hill, that bore an ominous sign in the early years, "Prepare to meet thy Maker".

The plaque (click on it for larger view), describes some of the early challenges in this area.

Further up the highway was
Stone Mountain Provincial Park, where we stopped briefly at Summit Lakes campground area.

The somewhat mundane scenery in the preceding miles gave way to more rugged, high elevation terrain.

Rolling bushland gave way to bare rock.

There were warning signs for caribou along the highway.

And caribou, walking along the roadsides.

There were warning signs for bison along the road.

And, there were bison walking along the road!

I think they were finding the heat a bit much, and were looking pretty lethargic.

It was getting later in the day, and we could have stopped at Muncho Lake,

But we wanted to carry on to Liard River Hot Springs to spend the night.
I must have missed this post a week ago. Great pics.