Today I received my Mexican tourist card and vehicle insurance in the mail, so I am all set till Feb 2008! Photos show the picnic tables in my back yard almost covered in snow - and it is still November! It has snowed almost every day and night, but the sun is out today, but the temp is -24C, so it is COLD.
The men's World Cup downhill and Super-G races are over and Canada did extremely well with a silver in DH and gold in SG! Now the ladies races are gearing up. They have two downhills and a super-g scheduled. Every day there are training runs and the ski hill staff and volunteers are working around the clock to keep the course in shape.
I still have not negotiated a firm departure date, but it is safe to say it will be less than a month - and counting.
Harley has his vet certificate, his brush, and his food packed and he is ready to hit the road, too. In the meantime, he is trying to stay warm be sleeping in front of the wood stove.