The power had gone out in the morning as I was having breakfast, and most of the power was out at the office, though we do have a generator that starts automatically and runs some emergency equipment, so I didn't need any more excuses to abandon the computer and hit the road.

The bears have been active and we had quite a bit of flooding in the area due to melting snow and plentiful rain, so I set out to check how the flooded areas of the townsite and campground were doing, check the bear traps for occupancy, and see if the bear family was providing public entertainment at one of their favourite roadside locations? (Click on any photo for a larger view)

I managed to get a coffee in town at one of the establishments who had made some prior to the power failure, then got a backup cup at Castle Junction where the power had already been restored. When I heard that a washed out power pole near town had been the cause, I set out through the bush and soon found it. Power crews had already spotted it from a helicopter and were moving in crews to do the repair. Heavy equipment had to cross a creek and do some minor 'terrain modification' to get on scene, so I stuck around most of the day to monitor the work and ensure that disturbance was kept to a minimum while restoring the power asap.

A new pole was brought in and installed in a nearby location, and the old pole was taken down and de-commisioned. It was not till 6:30 Pm that the work was finished and power restored.
There was no hockey games to watch and it was not cold, so I did not need to enlist the help of my generator at home to provide any backup.

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