At least they did not get run down by the train - this time, unlike some of their relatives nearer to Banff yesterday.
Calgary Herald story
Also got to shoot moose and bears, too. Another Grizzly mom got a rubber bullet in the butt from me because she was teaching her offspring that it was fine to feed right on the edge of a road filled with camera-toting tourists who are unafraid of anything. Not strictly speaking the bears fault, but it is easier to shoot bears than tourists, tho tempting to reverse the trend sometimes!
Unfortunately the moose got shot with 'real' bullets after it had gotten hit by some speeding vehicle (likely a semi) that did not bother to stop. Almost everyone speeds through here, but wardens are prevented from enforcing the Parks act - by Parks! And there is not enough RCMP to make much of a difference. Enough of that rant.
I had to haul some horses to the Ya Ha Tinda ranch last week and took some photos of some storm clouds not far from Bearberry, AB. Google Earth does not know where Bearberry is, but I will give you a hint (51.853333 -114.907976)

Since the weather has been typical of June around here - rain, snow, cold, the fiendish feline has had to find other pastimes - other than catching mice outside in his pen and releasing them - live - in the house.

Speaking of rain. Took these photos of a rainbow (?) on the Icefields Parkway near Waterfowl lake - north of here. You may have to click on the photos to enlarge them so you can see the rainbow!

Three weeks till Merritt Music Fest!
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