Harley and I put our heads together and decided that nothing much had happened this week.
Unless, of course, you consider shoveling snow off the roof of a fifth wheel or it's solar panels to be action? I know I don't.

The Moraine Lake road is closed for the season, but that didn't stop us from driving up there one last time - just to make sure it wasn't too smooth for all the X-Country skiers that flood in here this time of year. There isn't much snow, but it is smooth underneath and the only place where these olympic hopefuls can put away their wheeled skis and put on some miles.

Meanwhile, we were also trying to wreck the skating opportunities on the local lakes, by breaking up the ice under the auspices of thin ice rescue training.

Where DID that victim go anyway?
It was only a few years ago that I took part in a rescue on this very lake - using my skates to bring a stretcher-bound patient from the far side of the lake to the ambulance on the road. I think that was a 'first'?
cute picture of harley! How is he? Zoom Zoom had turned one yesterday! We gave him a big basket, Emmy stole it!