Was just about to leave the coast when I happened across San Simeon State Park late in the day, so it was decided to hang tough and rough it for another day or so.

Took advantage of a good supply of firewood to have the first camp fire of the trip.

I was parked under the biggest tree in the campground, and it was obviously a favourite of the local crow population, who were not shy in serenading me in the morning. Lucky for them, Harley was not along to climb the tree and take care of them.

Then, it was inland, through Paso Robles, which is evidently a major vineyard area, with castle like wineries all advertising free tasting.
From there it dried out a bit and it seemed that tumbleweeds were the crop of choice.

Then, it must be ideal conditions for oil wells to grow and there were a massive number per acre - but only for a mile or two, then none?

Blow up these pics to see just how many wells there really were.

Then, Bakersfield came onto the horizon, and the Walmart parking lot was just too convenient for myself, and about 20-30 other assorted RV's.

Then off to the east again - into some very pastoral looking land before the next mountain range.

Into the Kern River canyon next, where the road has vertical, or slightly overhanging rock walls, right on the white curb line. Every blind curve thanks is given to still have a camper with a roof and a wall. And the traffic was heavy and everyone, but me, seemed to be late for somewhere.
Luckily there were pull-outs, so no drive-by shootings were initiated.
Then I found a very quiet Forest Service site, right on the Kern river. I was there till noon the next day, and no one else showed up. So I took advantage of the time to put some of my $8 purchase of pvc pipe from Home Depot to the test, to see if I could design a low profile, cheap, windproof stand for my satellite dish!

It worked so well in the test that I had to watch the noon news from back in Calgary, where they were wimpering about temps of -20 something C, with wind chills in the -30'sC.
Meanwhile, I was getting too warm working outside in the sun.
So, it is a nice ideal to put the bathroom signs in braille, but how would someone without sight know to put their hand to read it? Just wondering?
Like this is in a deserted day- use area, miles from any other braille signs ...

Beside the Kern river.

Also did a lot more small, odd jobs that needed done around the camper; ones that are not fun or possible around home with snow and cold and ice on everything.
Kept going up the Kern River to the town and lake of the same name, Lake Isabella.
This must be a rocking area in the summer as there are a plethora of national forest campgrounds around. Unfortunately, most of them are closed, umm, because it is so cold, I guess? Luckily, I found at least one - without a locked gate!

Who knows, I think we might be off to Death Valley next?