Friday, January 14, 2011

iPhone on the Road

I tend to forget that my iPhone is actually a phone, I use it for that so rarely.  I think it should be re-named to something more indispensible.image

I find myself using it for almost everything, all day long!

Here is a list of apps and things I use my phone for on a daily basis, in no particular order.

Text messages: Don’t use them much at present, but it is an instant and cheap or free way of quick communication.

Calendar:Keeps track of paydays, appointments, birthdays, deadlines, bills, and time to read the gas meter (at home).

Contacts: Everyone I know, with phone numbers, e-mail addresses, and other important information.

Calculator: Calculates fuel conversions, dollars, mileages.

Camera: Self explanatory, but my phone has two separate cameras, and a video camera.  One camera has zoom, time lapse, and timer.

Google Maps:Used regularly to calculate mileage between points, route information, etc.  Better than a paper map because you can zoom in our out, and you can always look at a map of anywhere.

Clock: Changes automatically to follow the local time zone. Can be confusing in Lake Havasu as it picks up signals from two time zones.

Gas Cubby: I use this app to record all fuel purchases, and service visits.  After purchases are entered, it graphs mileage, and calculates costs per day, gallon, fill, etc.

Facebook:  Keep track of friends; some who may be travelling in the area.

Google Earth: Locating campsites, finding roads, lakes, streets, etc.


IPod: All my music in one place.

Browser: Useful for all surfing, but handy to locate propane re-fill places, or any other business in nearby communities when traveling.

Photos: It has about 2000 photos of scenery, friends, cats, work, you name it.CIMG3437

Weather: I keep several locations input here for up to the minute weather updates. 

Looks a bit cool back there in Alberta!


Gps: I use this for all things GPS, but mainly for location information when setting up my internet satellite dish.  It also has mapping, satellite imagery, tracks, similar to Google Earth.

Gps tracker:  Sends my location to selected e-mail addresses or friends when requested, or on specified intervals.

Hockey app: Keeps track of my favourite NHL hockey teams with schedule, scores, and what network carries the next games.  It even updates the scores during the game if you can’t watch it or listen to it.

Wi-Fi finder: Don’t have much use for this, but it works to find wi-fi at coffee shops and other free locations.

Stanley level: Very accurate level – can be used to level the rig, or the satellite dish.

Skype: Free or cheap phone calls when wi-fi is available.

Banking app:Instantly check on balance, pay bills, make transfers.

Football app: Same as hockey app.

Tide app: Tide tables for any coastal area.  Not that useful in the desert!

White Noise app: If you happen to camp at Walmart, this can help you sleep.

XM and Sirius radio: Listen to both my radio subscriptions right on the phone.

Games: tons of them!


Walmart locator: Locate all Walmarts, and indicates which ones permit overnight parking.  You can then use the map to locate them, or enter the address into the stand-alone Tom Tom gps in the truck for turn by turn directions.

Yelp: Locates any type of business or service near your location.  You can set filters for restaurants, bars, service stations, etc.

Gasbuddy: Finds all gas stations near your location, and sorts the results on fuel price or distance. You can update the online records for other users.

These are diesel prices in Laredo.


RV dumps: Find the nearest RV dump sites, sorted by type and price if known.

 This shows one at the State Park nearby.


McDonalds locator: Free wi-fi is available at most or all McDonalds locations in the western US.

Phone: Apparently, you can make phone calls with this thing too, but not sure how that works!


  1. Dear Ivan, I can hardly wait for Doug and Murray to read this one and start an email war outlining their Apps! Bad enough you had to chose Calgary on the weather App. Those of us in close proximity don't need to be reminded! Stay safe. Duane

  2. The instruction manual for that phone must be so large it needs it's own utility trailer to be towed in. Biggest problem I have with all those small devices is seeing the displays & having the patience to peck out all the needed info. Love all the new emerging techno stuff but at this age & stage of the game my brain seems to be headed the other way. Say, have you seen the new Rotary Phones........:))

  3. WOW find an app that can drive the truck you got it made in the shade! Remember back in the days when the SyFy idea was machines will take over? Hmmm maybe they already are. A great tool in the right MY phone is still just a phone, but I can certainly see the usefullness of a Mega Phone when you're away from home!

  4. Great list! So amazing, just a few years ago, my daughter and I talked about when 'all' our gadgets would be in one unit....we wanted phone, camera, and gps! Now I even have my books via kindle app.

  5. Hello Ivan great list thanks even if Duane is greeen with envy because he does not have one,
    So what are your settings on the iphone so that you still get gps internet at wi fi locations etc but not the huge bill of roaming charges etc. Can you receive call and if you do not answer them you do not pay .

  6. Hello Ivan great list thanks even if Duane is greeen with envy because he does not have one,
    So what are your settings on the iphone so that you still get gps internet at wi fi locations etc but not the huge bill of roaming charges etc. Can you receive call and if you do not answer them you do not pay .

  7. Ivan ; my geography is not as good as it should be to be following your travels in Texas. I use to enjoy the map you had attached to the older blog. I then could see where in this world you are. Is it difficult to attach a map of your location? I find myself google earthing the parks you are at to locate you .
