Lazy start yesterday, didn't get out of Lehi till noon, but who cares, I'm on vacation! Cruised down I-15 and had thought of going to the Consumer Electronics Show in Vegas, who would have guessed, it's not open to - consumers!! O well. Topped off the tanks and checked the e-mail in Cedar City before venturing out in the dark over a 9000' pass to the east on SR#14. Made it down the far side to the lowlands before finding a nice patch of sagebrush to camp in. Lots of stars. -8 over night, but warms up real fast when the sun comes up. Think we'll head into the Grand Staircase Escalante Nat'l Monument on the way to Page, AZ. A couple of minutes-old photos from Kanab for your viewing pleasure. GPS show us at: 37.0522N 112.5352W 17.7C 4570' Harley has now settled into his travelling routine and is keeping a sharp watch for new birds, coyotes, and blowing leaves. Getting used to those distances in miles. Takes a while. Gas prices: low 1.90, high 2.30. Use my safeway card when possible for a discount and use
http://www.gasbuddy.com/ to track down cheapest prices. Ciao!
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