Well, by golly, guess what day this is (No, not payday)? It's Thursday, which means I have now been on the road for a week! At least I seem to be past most or all of the snow and cold. Here in northern California, it is shirtsleeve weather for us northerners, and the grass is green.

They are still cleaning up the mess after the windstorms of the last weeks or so, with some places still without power, apparently, and I have seen more convoys of out-of-of-state utility company trucks headed somewhere - likely home?
Had to backtrack today to swap a new wi-fi device I had purchased in Fortuna that did not like my laptop at all. Even their techs could not get one to work. but instead, they sold me a

Although Harley is totally at ease most of the time, he still has a few phobias we are working on. He does not like high bridges - especially ones that have overhead parts. He is getting better with air brakes and riding on ferries (none this trip yet), but the worst of all are the dreaded street sweepers. He does not like those at all, and they tend to take one by surprise.
Went to a movie last nite in Garberville, my first in a long time. Who knew that Happy Feet was all animated, and I didn't actually get to SEE Brittany Murphy?

Looks like a nice day at home today? Can even see Lipalian in the background. Brrr!
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