Well, the time has finally arrived. After all those months, weeks, days, hours and minutes of waiting, we are finally back on the road for another (hopefully) most excellent Harley and Ivan adventure! The last week was spent getting organized, packing stuff up and getting the camper back on the truck. It was pretty cool and the jacks did not want to work that well, so I just got it on and was not able to connect the auxiliary batteries in the wheel wells. That would have to come later - somewhere warmer and dryer than at home. Had hoped to attach the kayak to the roof for additional fun and transportation options, but the attachments would have been haphazard, and I didn't want to be saddled with months of wondering if it was going to be staying up there, so left it at home pending further testing.
Was not sure if I would be able to depart on Thursday or not - after putting in a full day's work and then loading the last of the cat food, but got an unexpected bonus when rumours began circulating at work that we would be let off at noon on our last day before the holidays. Rumour was all it took and I was at home by noon, loading up and locking up.
Harley hopped in, and after a quick stop at the Petro to top up the fuel tank and the coffee mug, we were on our way west. Roads were pretty good through Golden, but started to snow approaching Roger's Pass and we encountered a semi-trailer that had jackknifed, blocking all but one uphill lane. Roads were not that bad through the pass, but the slush and dirt covered everything with the same drab shad of brown, including headlights, road lines, barriers, and signs, and the heavy holiday traffic made the drive less than totally enjoyable. Harley was a bit restless, but is adapting to the old routine quickly, we hope.
Stopped in Revelstoke for the night and camped in a friends driveway, but not before re-arranging the roof a car wash with my roof vent. Duct tape to the rescue. Not much snow in Revelstoke compared to Lake Louise, and temps around the freezing point felt warm by comparison.
Topped up the coffee tank at Tim's in the morning, and off we went again. Quick pit stop in Salmon Arm to get a new vent cover, and back on the road. Already, most of the snow and ice on the rig has been melted off, only to be replaced by a thick layer of dirt and grime. Once the Cochihalla is behind us, the worst of the dirt and perhaps the last of the snow will be behind us?
Time to make a mile. Click an ad and visit again soon!