Just because we made it home in one piece does not mean you can quit reading! We have some loose ends to tie up.
Stats, for instance.
Totals - Days on the road Jan 2 - March 6 = 64 days or 1514.25 hours
Kilometers - 13,450
Litres fuel - 2662.62
Furthest south - 25.83376N Lattitude
Furthest east - 106.31065W Longitude
Furthest west - 124.29736W Longitude
Longest day travel - Jan 3 - Lussier Hot Springs to Dillon, MT - 797kms
Shortest day travel - 0
Average distance/day - 210km
Countries - 3
States - 8
Provinces - 2
Int'l Border Crossings - 6
Photos that survived - 637
Stay tuned for fuel costs, mileage, propane use, camping fees, camping locations, or whatever you think I have missed? Anyone still out there?
Working on some video of Pelicans ...
we're still out here--ok so how much cat food did Harley go through?
ReplyDeletewe're still out here--ok so how much cat food did Harley go through?