After parking the camper and walking across a foot bridge, we rode shuttle vans up from
McCarthy to the abandoned mine site at Kennecott.
The very rich copper deposit was discovered in 1900, which required the construction of 196 miles of railroad to service the mine, leading to the coast at Cordova.

The mine has been abandoned since 1938, but was taken over by the National Park Service in 1998, and they are attempting to restore or stabilize some of the buildings on site.

There was a large flood in recent history that damaged many of the structures and a bridge.

Some of the bunkhouse accommodations for workers at the mine.

A (stabilized) rail car loading area.

One of the huge ore processing buildings built on a steep hillside.

Some pretty incredible buildings and heavy equipment, especially for that era.

A view of the edge of the mine property, looking up towards the Kennicott glacier. They meant to name the mine after the glacier, but mis-spelled it as

Even though it was the end of July, because of the proximity of the glaciers, it was fairly cool around the mine site.

But, not too cool for this bumble bee!

Some of the historic vehicles and shacks on the way back down to the quaint (putting it mildly) village of McCarthy - next.
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