Not far into the US we fueled up at $3.72/gallon for diesel for the trip into Tok. In Tok, I managed to find some wi-fi to check e-mail and some coverage for my Roger's cell phone - which was useless all over the Yukon.

From Tok, we turned south on the Tok cutoff road - which was another experience in permafrost road building - and re-building - and re-building!

We stopped at historic
Gakona roadhouse and lodge, one of the few remaining original roadhouses in Alaska.

It was early afternoon, but we stopped in at the Trapper's Tavern and tested some of the local beers with Becca.

It was a very rustic and authentic looking pub - with lots of fishing photos and other memorabilia on the walls.

Alaskan White Ale was my favourite.

From the junction at Glennallen (named after two US Army explorers, Glenn and Allen!) we took the Richardson highway south for a ways, then turned off back east towards Chitina. Down a little bush trail we found a secluded riverside camp spot.

I wandered about a bit in the evening, and spotted some movement out in the river but could not be sure what it was. I thought it was possibly a grizzly, but the glimpse was too short.

I went back for my binoculars, but nothing more was seen.

That is, till morning when during breakfast we heard some very near sounds of a disturbance. Sure enough, there was a sow grizzly and cub just out on the river flats having a bit of a disagreement! I took some photos through the camper window, but none really showed the bears. So we had to settle for a shot of the cat out for a morning walk.

We were following the Chitina river eastward.

The road would lead us down about 60 miles of gravel to the town of McCarthy, and then the historic Kennecott mine.
Thanks for posting all the great pics!