Leaving our camp beside the Matanuska river, we drove towards Palmer, Alaska and found the Muskox farm we had been planning to check out.

Although this is a young animal, I expected the adults to be much larger than they actually are. The animals heavy coats are combed out on occasion and the fine undercoat is used to make expensive scarves and other clothing items.

After the Muskox farm it was off to the south of Palmer to the Reindeer (Caribou) farm.

Unlike the muskox farm, you get to interact directly, on very close quarters with the reindeer, and you are provided treats to feed them.

They displayed their patented wide hooves that are able to keep them on top of deep snow when travelling in the winter.

Some of them were fairly agressive - trying to get at the tourist treats. We were told to hide the treat container and show the animals your empty hands to get them to back off! It works, too.

Some of the animals sported halters. Not sure if they were on contract with Santa Claus or not?
We did go through North Pole, Alaska later in the trip, however.

They were not afraid to get in close.

And checked us out very closely.

This calf was still shedding his winter coat.

They also had a few bison at the farm - I forget this one's name.

And even a moose or two.

Although much of the driving around northern B.C. and the Yukon, and Alaska was on somewhat smaller roads and highways, devoid of traffic, this was not the case on both sides of Anchorage.
Both sides of Anchorage the roads were 4 lane, divided highways, just like southern Interstates, with lots of traffic. It would be easy to forget that you weren't in the south for just a while.
We stopped for a while in Anchorage and checked out a restaurant for some local seafood.

We headed south out of Anchorage into extremely heavy traffic. It was Sunday evening and I guess most of Anchorage must have been out fishing for the weekend and were headed back for the city. Two out of three vehicles we me either were towing a boat or had one on the roof!
Next, the Kenai peninnsula.
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