I'll have you know that I had to get out of my chair on the beach to set up the satellite dish to check up on you all back there.
The tide was coming in, threatening to get my sandals wet anyway. But here I sit, in shorts, sandals, and T-shirt; sailboats anchored just off shore;
an outboard motor heads off into the dark; and the high tide creeps within about 6 feet of the camper.

TV showed the storms in NB, Toronto, and the closed schools in Yellowknife because day time high temperatures were not reaching -50.
Don't you just hate it when your bare feet track all that sand into the camper?
But I'll have you know I am roughing it. I cannot find any internet access within 100m of my camp - I might have to walk down the beach to check the e-mail. Also, I keep forgetting that the little restaurant/bar at this beach is closed on Wednesdays!
This camp area at Santispac beach charges 70 pesos (about $6) a nite, there are no sites; you just pick your ideal spot on the beach based on your own criteria, be that sand,views, breeze, neighbours, or lack of dogs for Harley to chase. If you decide you don't like that pot, you can move at any time.

My spot included some bushes on the shore for a bit of privacy. And cover for Harley's 'prey'!
As usual, the visitors here are mostly from BC, but there are far less than I am accustomed to seeing here.

The semi-permanent places have all been removed, thanks to a Mexican government decree to return the beach to public use, and I must say the place looks a lot better.
Yesterday, we camped just of the highway on a little road into a ranch.

Harley was out and on the prowl in the morning.

This morning was calm on the beach after a deluxe sunrise shining on the hills back of the bay, so it was an ideal time to do a little helicopter flying.