When we last left you, we were on Sycamore Canyon road in the Big Sur area. Since there were creek sounds and no wi-fi, we drove back to the highway where we found good service to check out the local media back home.

Harley took advantage of the time to see what wildlife and bugs and birds might be within his reach.
We spent a slow day going down the beautiful coast, stopping at every pullout to enjoy the sun and scenery. We also ran into some of the never ending road construction on this road, which seeks to eventually slide into the Pacific. I was made to feel right at home by one of the trucks with a plow on it, but this one wasn't plowing snow and ice, it was for rocks and gravel.

Time was not a factor, so when we reached one of our usual camp spots, we headed up the road to find the best of several spots - all with great ocean views! But first it was to a little creek to get some lean fresh water to splash some of the accumulated dirt and salt off the truck and camper. That accomplished, it was declared that "It's 5 o'clock - somewhere", and happy hour broke out.

The road is very narrow and pretty steep in places, usually only one lane wide. I surprised even me by finding some usable wi-fi in one spot.

Later that night, one of the advantages of boondocking made itself evident. The wind came up quite a bit and Harley was getting seasick from the rocking of the camper in the wind. So we just up and moved camp a few switchbacks up the mountain to a completely sheltered spot in the bush. I suppose the folks down in the Kirk Creek State campground way down below just toughed out the breeze - at $22/night.

Not entirely sure if the tree came down during that windstorm, but at Plaskett Ck campsite just a few miles down the coast, a pretty large tree had landed right in a campsite.

In the morning, we were up early and moved back out to an ocean-view area for coffee, then moved down to an ocean-front spot to make some breakfast. This road-trippin' is tough, I'll tell ya.
Cambria was our on-line spot in the morning and we noted that the gas price was $3.79/gal. Fortunately, the tank was already full of cheaper gas. In Morro Bay we did a drive-by visit of a vet clinic to get some of Harley's special (read expensive) cat fodder for almost $80. Guess I'll have to keep him around for a while longer, with that kind of investment. I would have brought more food from home, but was worried that those US Customs guys might take it for their cats. As it was, his food made it through unscathed.
Down the coast there are large areas frequented by large groups of elephant seals laying on the beach, flicking sand on themselves with their flippers. Also fighthing, and snorting, bugling.

We drove by the Hearst Castle once again. Some day we'll have to stop in and visit it's opulence
but this time, Harley just checked out the sign.

Couple of views from Nacimiento Road.

Next, Pismo Beach, Ca!
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