Wednesday, February 13, 2008

We were camped by the lighthouse for a couple of nights and there was a helicopter sighting. It was not the coast guard, but pretty similar, I guess. Some from back home may recognize this one!

There was also the usual white hunters in the area.
His cousins were kind of unique. They were about 1/2 as tall, and spent their time in the tide pools. But they had bright yellow feet that they used to continuously stir the bottom of the pools, no doubt trying to get a meal.

Just down the highway there was a railroad crossing, and the train insisted on posing.

Saw some gas priced at $3.59/gallon near Costanoa, and saw a guy in Santa Cruz who had enough ink on his exposed skin for a set of encyclopedias. But what stood out (and waggled a bit), were the 2" black disks he had inserted in his ears. Hmm. Nice, if you happen to like that sort of thing.
Another highight! Found yet another gas station in California where I could pay at the pump without going inside!
Got me a badly needed haircut in Seaside, and headed south back into the redwoods at big Sur.
Used Google Earth to locate me a suitable, isolated, private camp spot down a little Forest Service road not far off the main road. So I had to listen to creek sounds (and birds), instead of the ocean.

It's always so great just to stand outside in the evening watching the stars and moon while breathing in the great combination of ocean salt, sycamore and cedar and redwoods.

Same thing in the morning with the first coffee, taking it easy, wondering what the day will bring!

Tomorrow, here's where we camp!

1 comment:

  1. so glad you are having a good time--I am-- keeping up with your trip is lots of fun--thanks
