Who would have known? Dollar coins in the US? Wow! About time.
Of course, the US, like Canada has had the silver dollar for quite some time - but no one every used them for anything except collecting. Canada has since moved well out in front with the Loonie and the Toonie coins which make everything a lot more convenient.
Till now in the US, you almost needed a wagon to haul around enough quarters to do laundry, use a vending machine, or wash the car, or shower at a campground. Imagine my surprise when I put a $5 bill into the change machine at a car wash in Florence, Or. I expected to fill my pockets with quarters, but out came - a mere 5 coins. Which I then used in the car wash. How conenient! I hope this is spreading across the land!

I spent the night at the Old Mill Casino in North Bend, after getting an oil change at Walmart and asking if their 'no camping' signs meant - no camping! Much to my surprise, they said that is what they meant. Well, to heck with them. (Maybe it is a city bylaw?)

It rained a lot of the night, which was likely why I was not bothered by traffic noise at night, being right beside the highway at the casino. But at least it was free - tho they want you to register.

As I headed south down the coast, the sun actually came out for a while, so I took the opportunity to walk down along the beach and check it out.

It was windy enough that the sand was even starting to blow around.

And the foam was blowing off the tops of the big rollers coming in.

It was pretty much deserted, which was nice.

I took some sea gull - view photos!

Of the freshly washed sand as the waves receded.

And even this gull agreed to pose for a photo.

Then, on the underside of a huge outcrop on the beach I discovered a whole colony of starfish and barnacles and the like.

The tide was low, so they were all exposed.

Various colours, too!

Barnacles everywhere.

The high waves were still washing around on the shore-side of the rocks, which would be completely surrounded at high tides.

Looking back at the highway.

And out to sea - through a natural bridge channel that the waves funneled through.

Even more starfish clinging to the underside of the rock.

Had to watch for the next big wave to keep from getting wet feet and/or camera!

So that is how I spent my day (so far). How was yours?

I downloaded Live Writer on the advice of Wandering Willy, but forgot to give it a try this time.
Till next time.
I wonder if I have been mistaking those dollar coins for quarters? is the sz. quite different?
ReplyDeleteI have never seen starfish like that... very interesting.
I wonder if I have been mistaking those dollar coins for quarters? is the sz. quite different?
ReplyDeleteI have never seen starfish like that... very interesting.
There are a lot of food bloggers out here & I bet your live sea life photos had them all drooling into their ketchup!! AL:))