How do you spell idyllic? (Must have been correct because my spell checker did not highlite it - like it did highlight!) Sitting on the beach at sunset after a rather quiet day of never moving a wheel. I'm on the northern Sea of Cortez, south of San Felipe, in Mexico of course. Found a little spot in the middle of nowhere. A few tourist type houses around, but they all appear to be uninhabited at present. Just one Mexican family who had no problema with me camping here, and a Mexican couple from California who moved in with an older RV. I helped them drag an little boat and motor down to the ocean so they could go fishing. They caught quite a few and offered me some, but my freezer is still kind of full, so I thanked them and declined. Yesterday I had the feeling that I had a flat tire, but things looked OK when I stuck my head out the window. Today however, as I was doing a routine vehicle walk-around and clean-up, I discovered a screw in the tire and it was definitely low. Fortunately, being rather paranoid, I had brought along my air compressor from home. Unfortunately, it quit when I used it somewhere in Arizona to inflate my punctured bike tire, and has not worked since. Fortunately, I bought another one in Wal Mart in California just before crossing the line. I also bought a tire repair kit, but since it is holding the air OK now, I think I will wait till I get to a repair shop in San Felipe again tomorrow and let the experts do it instead of me.
Must be great fishing just off shore here as there has been 20 or 30 trawlers working around the clock since I got here. So I cleaned the windows in the camper and the truck, talked to the neighbours in lousy Spanish (Harley is a gatos, I think they said), and more or less sat in my lawn chair in the sand and gazed out at the ocean! I think I heard some whales blowing last nite and saw one or two today in the distance. The sea gulls and vultures that came to clean up the fish entrails are keeping Harley entertained - as is watching out for the friendly(?) Mexican dogs. Also saw a black cat roaming the area.
Watched the Leafs game last nite, and they did not quite blow the 3 nothing lead they had in the first period, so actually won one. It's after 5 now, so I guess I should declare Happy Hour soon, or maybe I should fire up my generator and vacuum the place. Nah. I'll do it manana!
Tide is coming in, and the water gets pretty close to the back door when that happens. One of the trawlers has come pretty close to shore, and has just turned his lights on, so maybe I will go outside and see what I can see with the binoculars? Got my laptop set up on the 'office' table in the camper, back door open to the ocean breezes, and a 180 degree view of ocean. Meanwhile the water gets higher and higher!
Had a good look at my maps today and talked to the neighbours about it, so it looks like I may try a shortcut straight down the coast to meet up with the main highway about 60km south, which would save me about a 600km roundtrip to get there by the main roads. It could be a bit rough, but if I go slow, it should not be too bad?
Monday AM - got the tire fixed in San Felipe - where to now?
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