Ian Tyson's Cowboyography while driving across Mexico's Baja on a fine, hot, summers (February) day. It doesn't get much better than this! Hardly any traffic, sun glinting off the wings of the distant vultures and hawks riding the afternoon thermals, and saguaro cactus all around.
Harley did a good job of distracting the army guys at the checkpoint again today, and we avoided getting out and getting searched. The soldier wanted to buy my binoculars, and was curious about my laptop on the console. Meanwhile a tour bus pulled up next to us and they were going through the suitcases, etc.
Took a photo of the edge of the highway near Santa Rosalia showing a drop of about 5' (actually more than vertical, it was undercut!) off the edge of the very narrow pavement with no lines, markers or warnings of any type. Safety is relative, I have concluded! I've seen kids and adults roaring around in towns on quads, trikes, and in the backs of trucks. I think seatbelts are mandatory here, but the police and military ride around routinely in the back of trucks. In one little town I noticed a tiny kids tricycle by a house on a short steep slope leading directly to the driving lanes of the Mex 1 highway with all the traffic including heavy trucks. Yikes! Then people get excited about Britney Spears driving a car with a child on her lap, and the infamous Michael Jackson dangling a kid off the balcony. Whatever ...
A few cows and goats along the road to remind you that it is not a good idea to drive at night. If that isn't enough to convince you, consider the occasional vehicle without tailights OR headlights in some cases! Did I mention the vertical drop off the pavement edges in some places?
Lots of sea kayaks about down here, and all the people were wondering why Anders wasn't down here with that fancy boat, the nice camper and most excellent GM truck? Dog Doug (Timber) would have been quite handy too - finding those Mexican banditos hiding in the bushes last night.
Harley for his part is always the star attraction in any campground we are in. People stop by to chat with him and remember his name, but not mine! But that's OK, so far they are either old, or married, or both.
Dang cool breeze at night back here on the Pacific coast. I guess I will have to get acclimatized soon to the weather I will have on the California, Oregon, and Washington coasts. Brrr.
No Terry, it is not your eyes, the format really has changed!
Now before you quit, be sure that everyone clicks on at least (all) of the advertisements! WE have to pay for my gas somehow.
Next installation will detail how the Mexican military found my gun in their roadblock, AND how I had to resort to using wi-fi from the Federales to publish this!! Gotta run now!
Now check the ads!
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