Ssshhhhh! Quiet. I think he is sleeping? My driver, that is. I've been watching how he runs this computer thing, and have figured it out - after walking on the keyboard and spreading hair on the screen lots and lots. I've been trapped in this camper for months, only fed 7 or 8 times a day. I have to look really cute to get my belly rubbed, and today he only spent an hour brushing me and rubbing my ears, my neck, and my back. I spent some time outside this morning while he was drinking from his coffee cup on the beach. I ate lots and lots of green grass even though that makes him mad and usually makes me sick.
I wanted to go outside tonight even though it was raining cats and dogs, if you will excuse the derogatory expression. I meowed and meowed and meowed at the door, till he finally harnessed me and let me go out. It was terrible. It was raining, but I ate lots of grass anyway, then I meowed to be let back in. He wasn't very fast. He dried me off when I got back inside, but 5 minutes later I wanted to go out again, even though it was still raining. Then he got really mean. He brought out the 'octopus', that terrifying creature, and put it by the door to keep me away. That sure works! It really scares me. It is a little red and white plush toy with a bell on it that I used to play with, but at some time that is too traumatic to relate, it attacked me in some way, and now I am really, really scared of it. He even makes fun of me and calls me a 'scaredy cat'.
Being on the road is pretty tough on a cat. I have to ride in the cab usually and have to sit or lay just about anywhere; on the leather seat, on the dash, on the floor where I sometimes try my nails on the carpet when he is busy trying to drive, or on his lap when it is cold out. Sometimes he forgets to rub my ears. He was really hard to train as a driver. I finally found a way to get his attention if I have one of my many demands. I just start walking across the dash in front of him, usually on a curve by the ocean. He usually stops then and lets me go in the back for another meal, a rest before my nap, or for any number of reasons that I dream up. I certainly don't go to the bathroom out in the wilds like some heathen cats. Only the best litter for my tastes.
I don't think many people in the countries we've travelled in have ever seen such as handsome cat as I certainly am? Everywhere he drives me, whether it is the Mexican army, the US customs, Caltrans flaggers, or people on sidewalks all stop and point at me as if I was some sort of novelty. They point and stare and make comments. Sometimes I am so embarrased that I roll over on my back and stretch out, and do exercises. That tires me out and then I have to take another nap.
I don't think my driver speaks very good cat language. Every night when the food gets low I announce that fact as plainly as I can over and over. He must think I said 'throw something at me' because more often than not I have to dodge a pillow flying at me! Sometimes the water dish has not been filled just right with cold water from the fridge and I try to be polite and only mention it 20 or 30 times. Eventually he figures it out. Sometimes when I am exceptionally cute my driver gives me cat treats. I like them a lot and actually stop what I'm doing to have some. Otherwise I just ignore him, unless I need a rub or scratch - which is most of the time. Sometimes the driver forgets to switch the propane over and it gets cold
I want to go outside again. Even though it is cold, raining and no doubt full of creatures almost as scary as the Octopus! Meeeoow! MeOOOw! mRRRT! Wake up driver! Wake up I say! MEEOOOWW!
way t'go, Harls...good grief!! If I could get my other 3 cats to even do what the kitten does, purr on the floor in the back seat of the Taurus as we're driving by the skin of our teeth on 101 Califoria. Yup, it's me, Ivan...Tanny-lee from good ol' Canada, tak'n up space in Cali. Good to hear you got home safe.. Terry and Marie filled me in after you filled up with them one cool winter afternoon.
ReplyDeleteTake care!! Tan
way t'go, Harls...good grief!! If I could get my other 3 cats to even do what the kitten does, purr on the floor in the back seat of the Taurus as we're driving by the skin of our teeth on 101 Califoria. Yup, it's me, Ivan...Tanny-lee from good ol' Canada, tak'n up space in Cali. Good to hear you got home safe.. Terry and Marie filled me in after you filled up with them one cool winter afternoon.
ReplyDeleteTake care!! Tan