Silverado - modern day Ghost town
Well, here is the new look of desert camping! Takes so long to set everything up that you really don't want to leave anytime soon. But in the future, the solar panel should migrate to the roof, where it will always be gathering electrons without any action on my part, and I migtht consider the adapter to let me get sat TV on the same dish as the internet? We'll see.

I took a look at my location on Google Earth and could see that I was in the middle of a series of streets and lots laid out in the desert, but not developed further. Some of the lots still had signs that had not fallen over, but they were the exception.

Had a bit of weather move through, but it did not amount to much.

Still a very nice sunset.

Some of the residents of the area hanging out in the shade.

And the modern ghost town. Looks like about 10-15 good-size modern houses that were built, then abandoned. Some look finished, and some still lack some siding and roofing, but there is no action around any of them, just 'No Trespassing' signs.

I talked to some local residents (not the cows) and they told me the whole area is wanted to develop a huge solar power facility to supply local cities, so I guess it is in some kind of development limbo. Too bad the houses aren't used or moved.

Because it was still cool in Prescott and likely in southern Utah where I had originally intended to go, I backtracked and met up with a high school buddy and his wife who had just set up camp in Laughlin, after coming down from Vegas-way.

They were in a nice campsite on the riverside, but I chose to go back to casino-row and look for another free spot. It's a strange thing. All these signs saying 'no camping', but the consensus among people camping there is that you can camp there for months if you wish without getting hassled.

Looks like that is my last photo, so this is the end of the post I guess!
Nice set up Ivan, Silverado looks interesting, wonder what will ever be come of it. I had a look at their website. Not much on it.
Nice set up Ivan, Silverado looks interesting, wonder what will ever be come of it. I had a look at their website. Not much on it.
We had that 'bird on wire' set up for our Star Choice on the same dish as the internet & it worked fine. Check out that Data Storm site & it will show you where all your fellow satellite users are located near you. Always good to know you may have some on site techno help nearby if you need it. If you check out our Archives for mmiddle Feb in 08 you can see our dish set up in some pics while we were boondocked west of Ajo AZ. AL