How about golf? There is a 'golf' course at the campground I am staying in!

Ah, yes. Monday morning. Don't you just love 'em! The tedium, the drudgery of it all. Get up, make coffee, add perhaps just a little Bailey's, then drag the chair to the dune overlooking the beach.
And what do you see? Just whales. And more whales. Far whales, close whales, big whales, small whales, jumping whales, spouting whales. No photos of the whales. You know how they are - 'you can't really see it in this picture, but just a hair left of the smudge is a dot where the whale was before it dived' .
How about pictures of surfers? Way more better.

Okay, so there was a few pelicans, a cruise ship going by offshore, an osprey, one kayaker and a surfer, but still, you get my point. How long can you just sit on a deserted beach and watch whales?
I'll let you know when I figure that one out. And to think I could be back with you guys n gals at work, sitting in that windowless coffee room, kicking snow off my boots, discussing Sharon's hair or Brianna's smile, or Anders' new word!
Dang. I'll hurry right back. ............ Maybe in March!!
So I am sure you are asking how I got myself in such a predicament, when last thing you knew I was adrift in Cabo san Lucas watching hockey? Well, it was Sunday morning in Cabo,
things started off slow. I found some wifi to check the mail, drove through a lot of 'how do we say' "interesting" neighborhoods looking for the way to a lighthouse, but finally gave up. Topped up the tank at Pemex,
and found a huge Walmart-like store called Soriana to cure the grocery list. We are talking a huge store with great selection, though not everything is packaged the way we are used to, so a few of us Norteamericanos had to compare notes -'seen the sugar', no, how about the peanut butter'? Anyway, like I said it was a huge store that had 25 checkouts, and carts lined up 4 deep at all of them. Maybe Sunday is a favourite shopping day here, too?
So, to make a short story longer, I found myself fully stocked and equipped, and already on the road leading out of Cabo up the Pacific coast. What else could I do?
In less than 50km, I spotted a familiar looking group of RV's overlooking a 'miles long' section of beach. Once again, the majority of the roughly 30 units were from BC, with a couple Albertans and a couple of Californians for good measure. Somebody go check BC for me. Is there anyone still there?

The price was right - FREE, and there was an ideal spot just off to the side for a camper and a cat. But it was not till I wandered down to the beach, that I saw what a great spot this is!
The beach is miles long in both directions and is very wide, and all nice soft white sand. And then there was the whales who seem to have nothing better to do than spout off about who knows what.
Both a powered hang-glider and a powered paraglider motored by in the twilight. Although there is no facilities or garbage containers, the area is amazingly clean, thanks to the residents.
In the morning, I saw a 'local' pickup truck cruising through, picking up garbage for a few pesos, I imagine.

If I was impressed by the sunrise 'whale show', the sunset show was far better, with many of the prformers leaping almost all the way out of the water before crashing back in an explosion of water and foam.

Los Cerritos Free camping
Almost forgot to mention the blog visitor from Egypt - a first!