Well, here is a perfect example of their use to mark a washed out section of the road north of La Paz!

The La Paz ferry terminal and port.

Last night the sky was clear and the stars were out and shining brightly. Sure enough, the day dawned totally clear and the sun was a welcome change from the past while.
Several of us on the beach decided to pull up stakes and head out. We said so long to the nice folks from Nanaimo and from Parksville on Vancouver Island who were camped there and then hit the road.
The road winds up through the mountains for a while, before breaking out on the high plain towards Villa Insurgentes in the centre of the peninsula.
Then it heads almost due south for a ways. Much to my amazement the road was a divided, four lane road, and get this - there was a good, wide gravel shoulder!!
This continues into Villa Constitution, where there was a very nice looking General Motors dealer which my GPS duly noted in case big Blue every needs some work.
Then it is back to the normal, narrow, 2-lane road, but through some basically flat countryside. I caught up to and passed a convoy of RV's headed south.
I recognized them from Playa Santispac a few days prior, including the big rig with all kinds of orange tape on his driver's side mirror - an attempt to avoid further contact with semi-truck mirrors going in the opposite direction!

This road goes right across the peninsula, to give a good view of the Pacific ocean again as we head south. About 60km from La Paz, the road gets very twisted and heads back across to the Sea of Cortez side at La Paz.
Unsuccessfully tried to spot a propane supplier in La Paz, and did not give in to the temptation to stop at McDonalds! Did not notice any other large or chain type stores.
Decided to tour some of the off-beat areas of La Paz after missing a corner or two, but with the help of Google Earth and GPS, I did not have to resort to trying to ask for directions.
I was soon back on the by-pass route out toward the beaches on the point north of La Paz. Because I was busy looking for propane, and watching Google Earth, I did not stop to look for wi-fi in La Paz, but on the way out to the ferry terminal and the beaches, I located a nice university facility on the coast that was willing to provide some signal to me, and the mail got checked, but no update was attempted because it was getting close to sunset and I still had to find a nice camp. Alas, it appears that I have exceeded the southern extremes of my Tv Satellite dish reception, so the Maple Leafs will have to go it alone tonight without my support!

Found yet another enclave of displaced BC residents at a beach called Playa Tecolote, right at the tip of the point. They did not seem to mind another Albertan setting up in their midst.
No internet here, and no Sat Tv, so Harley and I will have to be content cooking the huge chunk of 'Yellow-tailed jack' fish given to us last nite at Juncalito!

Tomorrow marks one month on the road.
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